
(종료)무료 에세이 교정 이벤트! | SoP 교정본 제시



Application 시즌을 맞이하여 에세이리뷰에서 해외 대학 및 대학원에 지원하는 학생 분들의 에세이를 매주 2명씩 추첨을 통해 무료로 에세이를 첨삭해드립니다. Admissions Essay가 합격 당락률의 30%까지도 결정할 만큼 중요합니다. 에세이리뷰의 Admissions 전문 원어민 에디터의 도움을 받아 원하는 학교에 꼭 합격하세요!


이벤트 응모 방법

  1. 에세이리뷰 페북 페이지 Like하기!
  2.  페북 이벤트 포스트를 공유 또는 친구 한 명을 댓글에 태그하기!
  3. 마지막으로 admissions@wordvice.com으로 교정 받을 문서를 보냅니다. (650 단어까지 교정가능)


이벤트 기간: 12월 7일까지 매주 추첨!

당첨자 발표일: 11/23, 11/30, 12/7 (당첨일로부터 3일 후 교정본 송부)

*유의사항: 미당첨시 중복지원가능하며, 무료교정을 받으신 후 당첨자 이름과 3-4줄정도의 서비스 후기를 사이트/페북에 포스팅할 수 있도록 작성 해주셔야합니다.



아래는 에세이리뷰에서 SOP/에세이를 영문교정 받으신 대만, 중국 고객 분들의 샘플입니다. (동의 후 게재합니다.)

첫 번째: 에디터 Kypros

This personal statement is well-written, readable, and positively portrays you. I edited your work for grammar and punctuation, to smooth out flow, fix awkward phrasing, improve tone, and chose alternate words and phrases for clarity and persuasiveness. I’ve also asked questions and comments where your further input could improve this even more.




두 번째: 에디터 Josh

Thanks so much for letting me help you with this statement of purpose.
Overall, you’ve presented yourself very well; however, your essay can use some specificity. By this, I mean that you should stick with one topic and really explain it in detail. This can be a research project – and be sure to focus on your results and analyses, rather than just the topic – or a related story, but the admissions committee is looking for specific experience, skills, and personality traits that match with their faculty and students. Thus, you need to explain in detail what you’ve done, what you’ve learned, and what you can contribute to their program.




세 번째: 에디터 Max

Your SOP is fairly well organized and you’ve have taken some strong initial steps to explain your experiences and interests. I flagged some potential issues below for your review below and I have made substantial sentence-level edits to refine and clarify your writing.



네 번째: 에디터 Rachel

In this SOP, you clearly show that you are passionate about this subject and are eager to prove that you have the qualifications to enter this program. Per your instructions, I have focused my edits on only the words in black, not in red. I have enhanced the overall English grammar, word choice, and punctuation of your writing. Please review each of my edits so that your English writing can improve even more in the future. Good luck!

당첨자 리뷰:

제가 보기에도 너무 형편없는 글이었는데, 꼼꼼한 코멘트와 제가 전달하고자 하는 내용을 잘 알아주셔서 깔끔하게 고쳐주신것 같습니다. 덕분에 SOP에 잘 이용할 수 있을 것 같아요^^

이런 이벤트 자주자주 해주세요~~~감사합니다!!!!



다섯 번째: 에디터 Gale


Hello! I thank you for letting me assist you with the personal statement for your important application to UCL. I have made several changes to correct English usage and make several suggestions for changes that might add clarity and impact. I applaud your hard work and the well-focused steps you have taken toward the admirable goals you have established for your career and wish you much luck with your application! Please feel free to request me by name, if I can help you out in the future.



여섯 번째: 에디터 Micah

I thought the essay clearly and concisely gives your relevant background, and your interest in the subject clearly comes through.



essay editing essay proofreading SOP 교정 SOP 번역 미국대학원 입학 에세이 번역 에세이교정 영문교정 영문번역 이력서 교정 추천서 교정