초고라서 엄청 많은 오류가 있었는데, 제한된 시간 안에 엄청 많이 고쳐주셨네요. 한국인이라서 어색할 수밖에 없는 관사 사용법과 collocation등을 잘 잡아주셨습니다.
| 2015-11-26
| 서비스이용 2회
Thank you for your rapid editing and kind responses to my questions.
But, I have one question that how is the general expression about the number of patients and percentage especially word spacing.
i.e) n=16, 20% vs n = 16, 20%
Please tell me the answer.
I'll be looking forward your reply.
내용상 꼼꼼하고 정확함. 단지 포맷상 실수 주의 요함 (제목 후 첫문장이 줄바꿈없이 오게 됨)
정소영(학생, 중앙대학교)
| 2015-11-16
| 서비스이용 9회
무엇보다 시간을 지켜쥬셔서 좋았습니다. ^^
문장 흐름ㅁ도 봐주시구요 ㅎㅎㅎ
| 2015-11-14
| 서비스이용 13회
Dear Simon
You have amazingly edited my paper, and I was very glad that you could understand my main focus on this paper. This paper has been clearly, concisely, and thoroughly edited well thanks to your help, and I am content with the result. I appreciate how much you put your efforts on correcting all of my errors and I am sorry that I might have probably bugged you a lot with that. As an English major, who loves to study and write English, I have always struggled with making mistakes and errors in English, and sometimes it's sad for me to think that I can never be as same as native English speakers, but I want you to know that some great editors and English writers like you give much a great help to people studying English as a second or foreign language and that you inspire them through your splendid talent. I am one of them. Thank you so much!
| 2015-11-13
| 서비스이용 3회
정해진 시간보다 좀더 빠르게 발송을 해주었고, 표현 등에 꼼꼼한 에디팅을 해주었으므로 만족스럽다. 추가적으로 더 이용할 계획이며 주변인들에게 추천할 것이다 :)
이동현(PhD research, Auckland University of Technology)
| 2015-11-13
| 서비스이용 1회
그간 에세이리뷰에서 공개하는 자료들은 참고하다가, 얼마 전 처음 교정을 이용했었는데 더 없이 만족스러웠습니다. 덕분에 Confirmed Candidature 취득과 더불어 위원회로부터 매우 좋은 피드백을 받을 수 있었습니다. 특히, 영국측 교정자께서 도와주신 범위가 문법적인 사항 외에도 한국인 특유의 영작 습관 (예. redundancy/repetition) 을 바로 잡아주시며, 방법론 이슈까지도 조언해 주셨습니다. 앞으로 이 곳 Local Proofreaders 에 앞서 더 찾을 것 같습니다.
김상철(학생, 미국항공대)
| 2015-11-12
| 서비스이용 62회
정말 간략하게설명해주시고 잘설명해주셔서 만족합니다.
| 2015-11-07
| 서비스이용 17회
친절하고 좋은 에디팅 너무 감사드립니다. 에딧 받을 수록 제 롸이팅 실력이 향상 되는 걸 느끼고 있어서 너무 기쁩니다!
권효원(학생, 가톨릭대학교)
| 2015-11-05
| 서비스이용 13회
As a learner whose English is a foreign language, I've always had lots of difficulties writing essays in English, and actually asked helps from native friends or I've even used the other editing websites. However, I used to recognize lots of errors and insincere revisions from editors from the previous websites I've used. I mean, I get that sometimes because I know how it could be difficult and annoying to look at someone's writing for a revision especially when it is not in native language that an editor speaks. But this time I was really surprised and stunned by how much efforts the editor put to give me useful feedback, and she really corrected most of the parts that I've hoped her to revise. Writing an essay in English has been always stressful whenever I need to have it submitted in an academic settings, but then I found this website through my friend's recommendation and I recommend this service to anybody who are looking for writing revision in English. I really appreciate my editor, Jayne, who helped me improve my writing so much better. Thank you!
권웅(기타, 기타) | 2015-11-28 | 서비스이용 7회
초고라서 엄청 많은 오류가 있었는데, 제한된 시간 안에 엄청 많이 고쳐주셨네요. 한국인이라서 어색할 수밖에 없는 관사 사용법과 collocation등을 잘 잡아주셨습니다.
이지원 | 2015-11-26 | 서비스이용 2회
Thank you for your rapid editing and kind responses to my questions. But, I have one question that how is the general expression about the number of patients and percentage especially word spacing. i.e) n=16, 20% vs n = 16, 20% Please tell me the answer. I'll be looking forward your reply.
윤미중(Wordvice Translator) | 2015-11-23 | 서비스이용 729회
내용상 꼼꼼하고 정확함. 단지 포맷상 실수 주의 요함 (제목 후 첫문장이 줄바꿈없이 오게 됨)
정소영(학생, 중앙대학교) | 2015-11-16 | 서비스이용 9회
무엇보다 시간을 지켜쥬셔서 좋았습니다. ^^ 문장 흐름ㅁ도 봐주시구요 ㅎㅎㅎ
권효원 | 2015-11-14 | 서비스이용 13회
Dear Simon You have amazingly edited my paper, and I was very glad that you could understand my main focus on this paper. This paper has been clearly, concisely, and thoroughly edited well thanks to your help, and I am content with the result. I appreciate how much you put your efforts on correcting all of my errors and I am sorry that I might have probably bugged you a lot with that. As an English major, who loves to study and write English, I have always struggled with making mistakes and errors in English, and sometimes it's sad for me to think that I can never be as same as native English speakers, but I want you to know that some great editors and English writers like you give much a great help to people studying English as a second or foreign language and that you inspire them through your splendid talent. I am one of them. Thank you so much!
JooWon | 2015-11-13 | 서비스이용 3회
정해진 시간보다 좀더 빠르게 발송을 해주었고, 표현 등에 꼼꼼한 에디팅을 해주었으므로 만족스럽다. 추가적으로 더 이용할 계획이며 주변인들에게 추천할 것이다 :)
이동현(PhD research, Auckland University of Technology) | 2015-11-13 | 서비스이용 1회
그간 에세이리뷰에서 공개하는 자료들은 참고하다가, 얼마 전 처음 교정을 이용했었는데 더 없이 만족스러웠습니다. 덕분에 Confirmed Candidature 취득과 더불어 위원회로부터 매우 좋은 피드백을 받을 수 있었습니다. 특히, 영국측 교정자께서 도와주신 범위가 문법적인 사항 외에도 한국인 특유의 영작 습관 (예. redundancy/repetition) 을 바로 잡아주시며, 방법론 이슈까지도 조언해 주셨습니다. 앞으로 이 곳 Local Proofreaders 에 앞서 더 찾을 것 같습니다.
김상철(학생, 미국항공대) | 2015-11-12 | 서비스이용 62회
정말 간략하게설명해주시고 잘설명해주셔서 만족합니다.
이명희 | 2015-11-07 | 서비스이용 17회
친절하고 좋은 에디팅 너무 감사드립니다. 에딧 받을 수록 제 롸이팅 실력이 향상 되는 걸 느끼고 있어서 너무 기쁩니다!
권효원(학생, 가톨릭대학교) | 2015-11-05 | 서비스이용 13회
As a learner whose English is a foreign language, I've always had lots of difficulties writing essays in English, and actually asked helps from native friends or I've even used the other editing websites. However, I used to recognize lots of errors and insincere revisions from editors from the previous websites I've used. I mean, I get that sometimes because I know how it could be difficult and annoying to look at someone's writing for a revision especially when it is not in native language that an editor speaks. But this time I was really surprised and stunned by how much efforts the editor put to give me useful feedback, and she really corrected most of the parts that I've hoped her to revise. Writing an essay in English has been always stressful whenever I need to have it submitted in an academic settings, but then I found this website through my friend's recommendation and I recommend this service to anybody who are looking for writing revision in English. I really appreciate my editor, Jayne, who helped me improve my writing so much better. Thank you!